@bitmask Maybe - I think Hawkeye was working on getting Winplan up and going. It might make a good poll question though.
WinPlan user as well. Took a closer look at PCC2 this past weekend and its come a long ways since I used it last. I pretty sure I could use it now. It's very similar to WinPlan in many regards. There's real good documentation that details the many keyboard shortcuts that can be used. I see streu has a newer version called PCC2 Next Generation (NG). Both versions loaded my old RSTs, no other testing than that as of now.
Just to give my 5 cents here as well.
I'm playing using a WinXP installation in Oracle VirtualBox hosted on a Win11 laptop.
Winplan version 3.52.025 with EchoView on top.
My only problem is that i can't get VirtualBox running on my new MacBook (was working on old one). So, i'm using my company laptop to play.
Tried PCC2Web as well, it's usable for most actions but I'm missing a few things compared to Tims Winplan client (e.g. race colors, filled webs and empty regular mines). And most wanted would be a version that runs on mobile device. Maybe Stefan is working on that (didn't follow up)?