Strategy: Collective Consciousness – Autarch’s Guide to the Cyborg


Chapter 0: Intro.

Chapter 1: The Cyborg
1a.) Race description
1b.) Player mind set
1c.) Settings

Chapter 2: Advantages
2a.) Assimilation
2b.) HYP Probes
2c.) Chunneling
2d.) Cube ships
2e.) Debris Beam-in
2f.) Cloning
2g.) Repair Self

Chapter 3: Disadvantages
3a.) No Medium Warships
3b.) Early Game Strength
3c.) Ship Costs

Chapter 4: Ship List
4a.) Ship Armament/Engines for:
4a1.) HYP Probes
4a2.) Fireclouds
4a3.) Cubes
4b.) Freighters
4b1.) Small Deep Space Freighter
4b2.) Medium Deep Space Freighter
4b3.) Large Deep Space Freighter
4b4.) Super Transport

Chapter 5: HYP Probes
5a.) What they are
5b.) Strategies for HYP Probes
5b1.) Money carrier
5b2.) Spy
5b3.) Freighter Hunter
5b4.) Escape Pod

Chapter 6: Chunneling
6a.) The Firecloud
6b.) What Chunneling is
6b1.) How it works
6c.) Chunnel Points

Chapter 7: Your planets/Bases
7a.) Planets
7a1.) How to colonize them
7a2.) How to manage them
7a3.) Planetary Strategies
7b.) Bases
7b1.) Where to build them
7b2.) Defenses
7b3.) Upgrading your tech levels

Chapter 8: Other Races as Allies and Enemies
8a.) The Feds
8b.) Lizards
8c.) Bird Men
8d.) Fascists
8e.) Privateers
8f.) Crystals
8g.) Empire
8h.) Robots
8I.) Rebels
8j.) Colonies

Chapter 9: Summary and Information

Chapter 0: Introduction

Greetings once more. My name is Autarch, author of (by now) two guides, concerning the Crystals and Robots. I have an Empire one coming soon.

I noticed that there was not a whole lot of stuff out there, and decided to make my mark in the VGAP community. So I sat down, and wrote the Guides for the “Forgotten Races.” And the Cyborg seem to be an almost forgotten race as well. There isn’t a whole lot of info out there on them, and so I figured I could write “just one more” Guide.

I personally use VGA Planets Assistant (VPA), and this Guide is based on Host 3.22.023. I don’t think that there have been significant changes, especially concerning the Cyborg. If you like the Cyborg, you are not alone. However, I do not claim to be an expert at VGAP, and your using anything I say is, of course, at your own risk.

Chapter 1: The Cyborg

1a.) Race Description

Let’s see what the docs have to say about the Cyborg (Borg from now on), and some abilities they have.

The Cyborg are a half humanoid and half machine race. The Cyborg have many small scout ships and probes. These come in very handy in finding their enemy’s home world. The Cyborg battleship is the size of two Birdmen battleships.

All damaged Cyborg ships can stop and repair themselves at a rate of 10% per turn. The Cyborg are able to assimilate natives into colonists. The assimilation rate can be configured by the host from 0% to 100%

The own one of the most feared weapons ever seen in the echo cluster, the Firecloud Class Warp Chunneler, a ship that can deliver a fleet of combat vessels to any point in space.

The Cyborg have some of the most powerful starships, the Cyborg Cube ships.

The Cyborg ships are able to repair in space at a rate of 10% per month. A Cyborg ship that is repairing cannot move.

When a Cyborg ship destroys an enemy ship the hull debris and fuel is beam aboard in the form of minerals.

Cyborg colonists that are placed on a planet that has native population will be assimilated into Cyborg colonists. The natives are converted to Cyborg at a rate of one native for every Cyborg on the planet.

1b.) Player Mind Set

The Borg are a race that is perhaps one of the most difficult to play. They lack medium warships. They assimilate natives, and you have to capitalize on the natives if you want to build a base with good tech levels. Their economy, in the beginning, is one of the worst. You are easily destroyable in the first 10-18 turn of the game. You must have time to coordinate your forces, and manage your planets. If you don’t have time to do your turns, don’t play the Borg.

Once you survive, though, you have some of the most powerful ships in the game. You can move anywhere in the Cluster. You can exterminate anybody you please. So the Borg have some good pros, and really bad cons.

1c.) Settings

Here are some settings you should pay attention to:

Hyper Drive Ships: YES
– I wouldn’t play the Borg without this. You need your HYP ship to explore and grow like mad.

Firecloud Warp Chunnel: YES
-I wouldn’t play the Borg without this either. You need this ship to link your vast empire, and to move cubes, freighters, and other things around.

Cyborg Assimilation Rate: 100%
-This means that for every Borg on the planet, one native is turned into Borg.

Ships with one engine can tow: YES
-This lets your probe, upon discovering a freighter in orbit, to tow it out and capture it. Handy to have, but not life threatening.

Climate Limits Population: ???
-Depends on what you want. This means that if you get a desert or Arctic planet, you assimilate, and the your people die off from the climate. It would be nice not to have this, and anyone could survive anywhere, but you can live with it turned on.

Ship Cloning: YES
-This is helpful if you have allies who will give you decent medium warships (something you lack.)

Chapter 2: Advantages

2a.) Assimilation

Stated simply- you find the natives, you turn them into Borg. This is where your assimilation rate kicks in. So you get a Siliconoid Representative planet, with 8 million natives, you turn them into 8 million Borg. You have 200 clans, next turn, you have 400 clans, provided that there is enough natives. If the number of Borg outnumber the natives, next turn you will have no natives. You cannot assimilate Amorphous Planets.

2b.) HYP Probes

This lets you, with your assimilation, to spread all over the Echo Cluster. More on HYP probes in Chapter 5.

2c.) Chunneling

Chunneling lets you move massive fleets and unlimited amounts of stuff anywhere in the Echo Cluster. I’ll explain the benefits of Chunneling in Chapter 6.

*One thing to point out- you cannot chunnel if anyone (even yourself) has a tow lock on your Firecloud.*

2d.) Cube Ships

You have two of the most powerful ships in the Game- the Biocide and Annihilation Cube Ships.

The Biocide is your fighter carrier. It has a mass of 860, but the fighter cost is expensive, even for you.

The Annihilation is your torpedo boat. It has a mass of 960, and is more efficient than the Biocide, unless you have allies who can provide free fighters.

All in all, you have two big, tough, and heavy ships.

2e.) Debris Beam-In

When you fight, and win, you usually blow up a ship. Most races go “Huzzah!”, and get a PBP or two. You get a PBP, and all the minerals that made the ship up. Even if it’s fuel. Nice to have deep in enemy territory, or on the borders of your space.

2f.) Cloning

You can clone those medium warships and cloakers that you get from allies or from the plunder of war. Handy to have, to fill the gaps in your fleet.

2g.) Repair Self mission

The Borg can regenerate their ships (not crew members though) at 10% per turn. You don’t move when you do this though, so you can be a sitting duck too.

Chapter 3: Disadvantages

3a.) No Medium Warships

You have your Cubes, and your Firecloud. Fireclouds won’t hold their own in a battle, and Cubes are expensive in the beginning. The closest thing you have is the Quietus Cruiser, with 1 torp tube. But that’s it.

3b.) Early Game strength

For the first part of the game, you are relatively weak because of what was stated above. Here is where diplomacy kicks in- making sure you survive the first 10-18 turns or so.

3c.) Ship Costs

Your ships are pretty balanced mineral and cash wise. It’s just that this balance is HUGE. You could easily build starbase’s for the costs of your cubes. Steep, eh? And with no medium ships, well… you get the point.

Chapter 4: Ship List

Here I am going to lay down the basics of your ships, and what to put on them in regards to engines/weapons afterwards. These are the default ship designs, as I know that there are more out there. Freighters I will discuss next, but onto the warships:

B200 Probe (Beams: 2 Cargo: 15)
This is your HYP ship. Useful booger. More on these guys in the next chapter.

Watcher Scout: (Beams: 2 Cargo: 50 Fuel: 270)
Not a bad ship, with a good fuel tank. Lack of beams hampers it’s effectiveness. I don’t build‘em.

Iron Slave: (Beams: 1 Bays: 2 Mass: 60)
Do NOT build this ship. It is too light, and has no offensive capabilities. Waste of a ship slot.

B41 Explorer (Beams: 4)
No use to build this either. Eat gets eaten easily by anything with torps.

B222 Destroyer (Beams: 7)
Use this to burn fighters off the big carriers or starbase’s. It is light, but the beams come in handy.

Quietus (Beams: 4 Tubes: 1)
This isn’t a bad ship. A local patrol boat, interceptor, minelayer-it can be used to fulfill many roles. Arm it well.

Firecloud Class Cruiser (Beams: 6 Tubes: 2)
The key to the Borg’s success. I will get into the specific functions/uses/strategies of the FC later on. Let’s just say, this ship lets you go anywhere it is, in one turn, with only **50** kts of fuel burned. And remember- ANYWHERE. Your enemy is going to pick them off, and these cannot fight. Guard them.

Biocide Class Carrier (Beams:10 Bays: 10)
Nasty ship. It’s your fighter carrier, can fight a Gorbie and occasionally limp away. Very useful against the Torp races, and fighters shouldn’t be a problem with the ton of mines/colonists (read:cash) you have *later* in the game.

Annihilation Class Dreadnought: (Beams:10 Tubes: 10)
The Baddest Torp ship around. Only Fed Nova comes close. A fully stocked Annie can be devastating, and way cheaper than a fully stocked Biocide.

4a.) Ship Armament/Engines

4a1.) HYP Probes

Your HYP probes are mainly for exploration. They can be used to zap enemy freighters, so put x-rays on them. Put crappy engines on them, so you don’t waste money.

Especially if the E/S Bonus is on, you don’t want non-HYP races getting a HYP ship. Big whoop you say. Cloned, a little probe can be a nuisance. Especially in the hands of the Fed- super refit that puppy with big weapons and you got a planet killer.

4a2.) Fireclouds

The key to your survival/conquest. Put Transwarps on these guys, and send them out. Watch them though. I usually put Disrupters and MK4s on board to zap freighters, or protect it in a fight. But you don’t want these guys in a fight. Run if you have to, chunnel away if absolutely necessary. But don’t sacrifice the front line because a Cygnus is chasing your FC.

4a3.) Cubes

Big and Bad. Gas Guzzlers too. I put HeavyDrive 6s at most on them. Transwarps rarely, unless I have a ton of gas to use. You’re going to be using the FCs to transports them.

As for weapons, the Annies should get Heavy Blasters. They are going to be using them to smash ships and such. The Biocides only need plasma bolts to shoot down other fighters, or Heavy Blasters to kill torp ships. Take your pick, and remember to use the right Annie/Bio for the job.

4b.) Freighters

You really can use any freighter in the game.

4b1.) SDSF (Small Deep Space Freighter)

Handy to you, probably more than anyone else. Fill with half colonists, half supplies. These guys are nice, but you should use MDSFs instead.

4b2.) MDSF (Medium Deep Space Freighter)

The best in the early stages. Good for moving decent mineral truckloads around, and most cloakers want bigger targets (LDSFs, or STSF). Put Transwarps on them, and use them for colonizing too.

4b3.) LDSF (Large Deep Space Freighter)

Don’t colonize with these. You’ll assimilate to quick if you dump 1200 clans on a planet. Use them for mineral trucks, because you’re going to need them. You can save and not put Transwarps on some, since you’ll use the Fireclouds to move them. Guard them ,because they are prized by cloakers.

4b4.) STSF (Super Transport Space Freighter (or something like that))

Build these if you absolutely NEED to. For most cases, LDSFs should suffice.

All in all, remember to use the small/medium for colonize, and LDSF/STSF for minerals major colonist transport. And guard them- a Swift Heart or less with X-Rays and your ship is toast.

5.) HYP Probes

5a.) What they are

HYP probes are handy little ships that can carry a small amount of clans/colonists. They can “jump” 340-360 lys (with the newer host programs). In any direction, and only burn 50 Kts of fuel. That means if you do it right, you can HYP from planet to planet, unseen. Without them, the Borg are doomed. But because you assimilate, if you escape, with one clan, you can come back. (And win, it’s happened!) Without the HYP, you can’t expand the way you need to. But anyway, here are some basics:

5b.) Strategies for using the HYP Probes

5b1.) Money Carrier

Think, 350lys away, you have a planet making oodles of cash. But normally, it’s 4 turns away ONE WAY. Not with the HYP probe around. Calculate, and ZIP, she’s there. And ready to carry up to 10,000mcs if necessary (10 grand being the limit in the game for any ship). No way someone can get it, unless they are attacking you at the same time your probe drops out of hyperspace.

5b2.) Spy

Test your enemies defenses. Put blasters on your ships, and send a fleet into the heart of his empire. You kill freighters, get planets, and start assimilating. He’ll freak out, thinking of all the natives being turned into Borg (read: less cash when he gets the planet back), can really screw up an economy.

Shoot a couple into his space, and set mission to mine sweep.

They sweep (scan and shoot down mines) before HYPing out. And HYPing ships can’t get plastered with a mine. Also, you make the enemy uncomfortable to see enemy ships in the heart of his space. Physchologically damaging.

5b3.) Freighter Hunter

Put X-rays on the boogers and send them out. To the planets. They see a ship (pray a freighter) and nail it. Very nice if the ship had a ton of colonists on them, because they are all Borg now. Ground attack your enemy, or assimilate a planet faster (especially good government one (Monarchy, Unity)) or a race (Avian, Insectoid, Bovinoid).

5b4.) Escape Pod

The Borg are weak in the early game. You are Number 1 on the “must destroy early” list. So everyone (if they are smart) will go for your throat.

Use the HYP probe fill it with cash a lot of supplies, and a few clans. Have it ready to go in case all else fails. Then RUN. Bide your time, and seek revenge later on.

All in all, a multi-purpose ship. They help the Borg grow, and without them, the Borg wouldn’t exist.

6.) The Chunnel

6a.) The Firecloud

In order to use the Borg’s BEST ability, you must build Firecloud Class Cruisers. They aren’t armed well, but that isn’t their function. They initiate a warp chunnel, allowing you to send ships anywhere.

6b.) Chunneling

Chunneling requires two Fireclouds, some gas, and a warp factor of 0. The docs explain it:

6b1.) How chunneling works (emphasis mine):

Chunneling is the process where a Firecloud Class Cruiser uses a temporal rift in the subspace time continuum. This rift is a maelstrom of tachyon energy formed in the shape of a tunnel.

To open a Warp Chunnel a Firecloud needs to have at least 50 KT of fuel. It then selects its friendly code to the ID number of another Firecloud. This causes a targeting subspace signal to be generated. The Firecloud then projects a stream of accelerated tachyon particles that cause a rift in the subspace time continuum. The generation of this high energy beam **uses up 50 KT of fuel from the projecting Firecloud.** This rift is anchored to the destination Firecloud.

Once the Chunnel is generated the Chunneling Firecloud moves into the Chunnel. This causes the Chunnel to collapse. As the Chunnel collapses it pushes the Firecloud (and any other starships that were in the same point in space as the Firecloud) along in front of it as it collapses. This movement expends uses no fuel on the Chunneling starship(s), since they are being pushed along by the collapsing Chunnel (subspace temporal rift).

Needless to say, traveling through a high energy rift comprised of tachyon particles can have an adverse effect on your starship systems. **Any starship completing a Chunnel will exit subspace with its shielding systems inoperative.** The Chunnel, in effect, strips the starship(s) of their shields for that turn. By the next turn the shielding systems will be functioning again.

And now the how to:

How to Initiate a Chunnel

To start a Chunnel, as stated above, the traveling (or initiating) Firecloud needs to set its friendly code to the ID number of the Firecloud it wishes to travel to. Both Fireclouds need to have their warp factor set to zero (0).

If the warp factors are not set to zero or the ether of the Fireclouds are under tow the Chunnel will not occur.

For ID numbers 1 to 99 place leading zeros in front of the number. I.E. 001, 023, 099.

Chunneling happens as part of the movement phase of the host. It is the last segment of the movement phase. So it is possible for starships to move TO the Firecloud before it Chunnels and then move with it, shutting down the warp systems during the Chunnel.

Cloaked starships moving through a Chunnel will remain cloaked.

A ship belonging to a race other than the race of the Firecloud opening a chunnel at the same point in space as the Firecloud must have a warp speed of 0, be cloaked, out of fuel or have a friendly code that matches the friendly code of the ship opening the chunnel to enter the chunnel (way point setting does not matter). The chunnel ship’s race can enter the chunnel at any warp speed as can cloaked ships or ships with matching friendly code belonging to all races.

If fleet of enemy ships that warp onto a planet that is hiding a Firecloud with its chunnel engaged only the enemy ships with a warp speed of 0 will enter the chunnel. The only ships that can move onto a planet with a warp speed of 0 are ships that are being towed. None of the ships that moved their under their own power will enter the chunnel, but any ships that they are towing will.

A pair Fireclouds can not use a chunnel if ANYSHIP with fuel locks a tow beam on it, the warp speed and waypoint setting of the ship locking the beam does not matter.

Minimum range of chunnel: 100 LY
Maximum range of chunnel: 5000LY
(Only works with HOST Version 3.20 or Better)

So look at the benefits. You can go ANYWHERE, for 50kts of fuel. You can chunnel as many ships as you want. Your cubes ships need this, since they suck gas only a little less than a Gorbie.

The bad sides are that you come out with shields down. Fireclouds can’t fight, so your enemy will definitely hunt your FCs down. Any ship that puts a tow lock on your FC nullifies the chunnel. But the uses and benefits in maneuvering outweigh the cons.

6c.) Chunnel Points

The easiest way to chunnel fleets, is to have chunnel points. I usually have crappy FCs in orbit around planets as catchers. They don’t chunnel, they are just anchors to chunnel back to. I set up a planet or waypoint in space to have all my ships meet.

If a planet, a crappy one, since I don’t want to chunnel my fleet of Merlins away by sheer accident.

If in space, outside a planet’s warpwell, say 4 lys. This way, I am close by, and not sticking out to much. I then activate the chunnel when everyone arrives, and go. Then when I am done, I use the bad FCs as anchors, and go home.

Easy, simple, and that way, your key planets are linked through the possibility of a chunnel. You can move cubes around effectively to protect or advance.

7.) Planets and Bases

Everyone likes to have huge fleets of ship cruising around beating people up. You can’t do that if your economy stinks. Planets and Bases are major parts to the economy scheme.

7a.) Planets

You start off with a planet, so that means you gotta expand.

7a1.) Colonization

Most races send out LDSFs in every direction to conquer planets well, and get them up and running. Not you. All you really need is the SDSF. Why? Because of your assimilation, of course! One clans turns into two, into four, and so on. So while most races run around dumping tons of cash, supplies and colonists, you need very few colonists, some supplies and some cash.

Take a SDSF, and fill it with 40 supplies, and 30 clans. Put some money if you think you need it.

On no native planets, put one clan down. Just to take the planet.

On native planets, dump the colonists. Next turn, you have double, and you pick up a full ship again.

Of course, you are beaming down supplies. Cash if you think you need it. Not a lot of supplies or cash, but just enough to get the planet up and running. The cash you’ll get from assimilating natives. Re-Read how to use the kinds of freighters you have.

7a2.) Managing your planets

This is the time consuming part for any Borg player. You have to figure for max taxes. And build supplies, mines, and watch your native population (if applicable). Watch your defense post numbers, and make sure you don’t get scanned.

This usually doesn’t take long. But when you have 50-90 planets to worry about, then you have time consuming stuff on your hands. So, figure for max taxes. Watch your mineral count. Raise defense posts. Watch the native growth, and see what you have left and are going to have next turn.

7a3.) Planetary Strategies

Assimilate native planets first. Come back to the empty planets later. This way, you get the key planets (and economy) running. Build your factories, mines, and Def posts. They’ll all be colonists soon anyway.


Capturing enemy planets. You get them, and if they have natives, you start assimilating. Right away.

Yank the taxes to 100%. The natives will riot, but you’ll keep assimilating. So if the enemy gets the planet back, the natives (now hopefully decimated by assimilating and killing each other) will be of no use to either of you. Any clans you (or him) put there will be chopped up in two seconds.

Use the HYP probes to do the same. HYP in, capture planets, yank taxes, and assimilate.

What if the enemy is invading? Do the same, but leave the amount of colonists on the planet. It’s not like you don’t have enough. Riot them. Have them chop up all those beautiful mines and factories to prevent their capture. If hopeless, do it to all your planets. Use your escape pod (HYP probe) to run if you even want to try.

7b.) Bases

If you think you can do with one base for the whole game, good luck to you.

7b1.) Where to build them

The Borg have a dilemma when it comes to bases. They assimilate the natives, and if you build the base after the natives are gone, you lose the race ability (if applicable). So they gotta build bases early. But they lack the minerals early, and need to save them for the cubes.

So if you are going to build (which you have to), get those minerals there before the natives are gone. I build bases if I can get the race ability, or the minerals are good.

7b2.) Defense

Your Homeworld is really useless after turn 20- you have probably bigger amounts of colonists on other planets nearby. But other planets (i.e. StarBases) are useful, and are last-line protection.

You have the cash to buy fighters, so do so if you feel it is necessary. Keep your bases in top shape. No one can ground attack you-especially with 6 million colonists. So they have to beat you up. A Cube nearby is always handy, too. Raise your defense posts, and increase base defense as well. You can huge ground defense posts with your astronomical colonist figures.

7b3.) Upgrading

You can upgrade as you feel free to do so. Adapt to the situation.

Some ideas:

Build HYP probes-they never out live their usefulness. Crappy FCs are only *tech 6*.

Cubes I build on my HW. Sometimes other bases if I have enough minerals and cash handy.

Be flexible- the Borg lost in Star Trek because they just came in guns blazing, smashing everything. The crafty humans wiped their butts all over the Sol System. Learn from that.

8.) Other Races – Allies and Enemies

Other races inhabit the Echo Cluster, and depending on their leaders, they may be friendly or hostile to you. With the Borg, they are NEVER indifferent.

8a.) The Solar Federation

Based upon the Federation in Star Trek, the Feds have a decent fleet, made up of mostly medium warships that can do many different things. However, the key word is medium. The biggest ship they have is the Nova, which can spank almost any ship besides yours and the Gorbies by itself.

As allies: They are good ones. They can super-refit your cubes, which is very handy. They have the KittyHawk, a medium carrier. They also collect 200% taxes from the natives they make contact with. Very helpful to you in the game, when you are done assimilating and all you have are colonists left to tax. The Feds have good torp ships, something you lack. They have Lokis, which will de-cloak the Fascists, Privs and everyone else (save the Birds and Lizards). They also have terraformers, which are handy for those assimilated cold or hot planets.

As enemies: The Feds are not very powerful in the first part of the game, like you. They know this, but they know you stink early too. If you can get your economy rolling quick, you can run the Feds over. They will have many empty hulls, for super-refit later on.

They will throw a combo of ships at you. Their Thor is deadly- 8 torp tubes. It’ll go in first, knocking your shields out, followed by a KittyHawk. Then the Nova comes in and cleans your cube up. Try using cube pairs, or get some cloakers (watching for Lokis) and find their key planets. Try to get the Feds before they can get you. They will try to outbuild everyone early on so they can sacrifice the ships they have to.

8b.) The Lizard Alliance

The Lizards are based upon the Gorn of Star Trek. Very big, powerful, and nasty.

As allies: Very good. They can mine at 200%, which they can give you the minerals you desperately need for your cubes. They can give you cloakers, Lokis, and a terraformer. Their HISSS mission is nice- they can HISS your planets, and squeeze that last bit of taxes out.

As enemies: You frighten them. They have a ground attack of 30:1, but that is useless with 6 million colonists. They can cloak, so interlocking minefields are the key to stopping their cloakers from attacking planets. Their ships lack many beams, so sweeping for them is pretty much limited. Their Madonzilla and T-Rexes are their ships of choice when fighting your cubes. They’ll use a Rex-Madon-Rex combo to get your cubes. They can produce these ships rapidly since their economy is incredible. Put Heavy Blasters on your HYP probes, and shoot them out. Chances are he’ll have a terraformer or Serpent Scout HISSSing, and you toast it. The high tax rate will cause rioting all over.

8c.) The Empire of the Birds

The Bird Men are based upon the Romulans of Star Trek. Quiet, invisible and sneaky.

As allies: OK. They have cloakers, and their Resolute is very nice. They’d like your Cubes to back their fleet up, since DarkWings aren’t the strongest around. They have a cloaking carrier for you, very handy. They have cloaking torp ships for surprise minefields. Other than that, not much.

As enemies: They can be devastating to you. Their economy is not great, but that doesn’t mean he can’t eliminate you. Their Resolute and DarkWing don’t use fuel to cloak, so they’ll wait at your chunnel points with cloak on and warp 0. Move your chunnel points. Or setup a chunnel point, and have the real chunneler somewhere else. Then move your fleet to the real chunneler. He won’t move, because he can’t intercept cloaked and he won’t know where you are going. Send in your cubes and attack mercilessly. They’ll use their DarkWings since that’s all they have. And that isn’t much.

8d.) The Fascist Empire

The Fascists are based upon the Klingons from Star Trek. Bloodthirsty, ruthless, and suicidal.

As allies: Very little use to you. They have 3 cloakers, which you can get from the Bird Men (or similar ship designs). They have Glory Devices, ships which are like suicide runners. They can blow up when they detect a cloaker, or he can send them as missles toward ships, planets, etc. The Gds turn Amorphous worms into supplies when exploded. Very handy to clear the planets out. They can pillage your people, and split the cash with you.

They get more- Cubes, FCs, and HYP probes. Fascists are immune to ATT/NUK

As enemies: A hassle. They can cloak, and pillage your people. They can’t be attacked by planets, so unless you have a cube there, they can play cat and mouse. They’ll throw GDs at your ships. GD’s do about 10-11% damage to a Biocide. Carry supplies with you, to heal the damage, and use your repair-self mission. They’ll use Glories with their Victorious (tech 10 ship) to get you. Zig zag your ships to evade the Glories, and run him over. His ships are no match for yours. (I know, I played the Fascists vs. the Borg. I got clobbered. Though I gave him a bloody nose. )

8e.) The Privateer Bands

The Privs are based upon the Orions from Star Trek. They are the last of the cloaking races. Sneaky bandits.

As allies: VERY useful. They have gravitonic ships, which travel at twice the speed you can do. The MBR is the best of these grav ships. Nice fuel tank, so your cubes can get towed from l62 lys away. You can clone for the Privs, and they could always use FCs. They lack heavy ships, what they get for those, they steal. Their ships cloak on top of it all, so you can have a fast surprise mine layer.

As enemies: The Worst for you. You lack heavy anti-cloaking equipment. So they will steal your cubes blind. There are so MANY Priv tactics, I recommend going on the Web and looking at some VGAP sites and reading up. I won’t list any here- there is just too many.

So how do you combat them? Top off your fuel tanks. Use minefields like crazy. Have mission to beam up fuel (he robs, you beam, you have fuel, he’s uncloaked, he gets slaughtered). Again, read up on Priv tactics. Use more mines, and see if you can get some anti cloaking equipment (Lokis, GDs, web mines, etc). Ride in Ion storms- that goes for any cloaking race (except the Birds- Resolutes and Dwings don’t decloak in them (ion storms)). Watch your back.

8f.) The Crystal Confederation

The Crystals are based upon the Tholians from Star Trek. Known for their webs, small ships, and rudeness.

As allies: OK. They can cover your butt from cloakers with their web fields. Their Thunders is an okay carrier, and they’d like your cubes. You’d like their Emerald or Rubies, which are very good torp ships. They have a terraformer, but it heats to 100 degrees. They cannot clone, so they need you for that.

Web mines are the best selling point. They make 10% damage as a normal mine, but suck gas. When they (a ship) hits a web mine, they lose 50kts of gas or 1/6 of their fuel (which ever is more). Sitting in a field, a ship loses 25kts of fuel. The effect is cumulative, 2 fields, 50kts of fuel. 3- 75kts of fuel. Colonies can’t sweep them (webs), so you are protected- it’s like having a wall.

As enemies: A nuisance. Get them while they are small. The Crystal economy is bad, and they need the money planets. Find them, and knock them out. Put heavy beams on your ships, and sweep as you go. Don’t go far into a field and risk the chance of hitting a mine. Once you are in a web, he’ll increase the size or make an overlapping web field, sucking more gas. Ouch.

Be patient. Sweep thoroughly, and hit his money planets. He’ll use Flame/Thunder combos to take out your cubes. I use a Flame/Flame/Thunder combo to toast a Gorbie. Wasn’t easy, since Crystal ships are not strong. If you need Crystal knowledge, I can send you my guide: “Glistening Gems; Autarch’s Guide to the Crystals.”

8g.) The Evil Empire

The EE is based upon the Empire from Star Wars. All knowing, all seeing, all bloated.

As allies: Not the greatest. They get 5 free fighters per base, per turn. Hardly enough to sustain a fighter fleet. Their economy is, bar none, the worst in the game. They have the Super Star Destroyer (SSD). It has an Imperial Assault mission, which lets you beam 10 clans to any planet, and it’s yours. Even Homeworlds. The ship cannot be attacked by ATT/NUK codes. They have the Gorbie, the ultimate weapon in the game, but you have your cubes. 5 free fighters doesn’t cut it for your Biocides. They can Dark Sense everyone (save the Rebels) and find out where your enemies key planets are.

As enemies: A nuisance. As stated, their economy stinks. Their ships aren’t the best combat wise. But the Gorbie is a pain. However, you both won’t be able to produce your heavy hitters until later, and you can deal with a Gorbie by sending 2 Biocides at it. The first might win, but have the second around just in case.

Their SSD is a pain, but lay surprise minefields and damage the ship. Some damage, no Imp Assault. The SSD won’t have a full fighter compliment of fighters, because they need the clans to perform the Assault.

They will use their HYP probes to find your planets by Dark Sensing, and will go for your throat. Lay some fun traps for the Imps, since you can guess where he’ll be going. Once his Gorbies are neutralized, walk on him.

8h.) The Robotic Imperium

The Robots (or Cylons) are based upon the race from BattleStar Galctica. Nasty and efficient.

As allies: Their are pretty good. They have carriers, and one torp ship. They can make 4x the number of mines as anyone else. They can make fighters in space, which you can use to fill your Biocides. Their Golem is nice, and their Automa is one of the wickedest ships around. They’d like your FCs, and any torp ship you have. Their Pawn Baseship has a full bioscanner and will scan ALL planets within 200lys (host default).

As enemies: A nuisance. Their ships are big and bad, but your cubes can nail them. Sweep the huge fields that they have. Be patient, just like you would fighting the Crystals. He’ll use his Golems and Automas to attack, but having a few cubes nearby will take care of that. They need Duranium like mad, so pull it from planets. Pull either Tritanium or Moly (or both) to prevent their fighter building too. Deprive them of their basic economic needs and assimilate the Bots. Read my guide (“Dittering Diodes: Autarch’s Guide to the Robots”) to get a basic grasp of the Bots. I’ll send it to you if you can find it in a web site.

8I.) The Rebels

The Rebels are based upon the Rebels of Star Wars. Small, light, fast, and deadly.

As allies: They can give you free fighters to. They have the Falcon, a better HYP ship. They have decent torp ships (Cygnus, Tranquillity), and they’d like your cubes. They have a Rush, which is pretty good in itself. They are immune to the Dark Sense, and can use their Rebel Ground attack (RGA) to destroy enemy planets. They are immune to ATT/NUK codes.

As enemies: A pain. Their RGA is effective (-50% HP), and you’ll soon find 6 million Borg rioting all over. They’ll use their Falcons to do that. Have a Quietus or something sitting in orbit and get them. Send in the Cubes, and hit them. Locate their fighter factories (Bovonoid planets with a Gemini in orbit) and get them. Pull the minerals needed (Tri and Moly) from the planets to stop fighter building. It’ll be bloody, a knock down-drag out fight. But you should come out on top if you hit him quick and sweep him away, before massive RGA can occur. Otherwise, he is a great economy killer, and can do you in fast.

8j.) The Lost Colonies of Man

The LCOM is from BattleStar Galctica. Self-sufficient, betrayed, and deadly when provoked.

As allies: They are good. They have the Cobol, which makes fuel as it goes along. The Aires converts minerals into fuel on a 1:1 ratio. They can build fighters in space. They can sweep minefields from very far away. The Cobol has a bioscanner too. They, with the Rebels, have the Patriot carrier, a torp nightmare. The little ship is nasty, with 6 bays. Nice little carrier for you. They have their Virgo, and basically, don’t need you, except for your FCs. And maybe HYP probes.

As enemies: And since they don’t need you, expect war. Don’t waste time with mines, you’ll lose them when they sweep with their fighters. They’ll be towing their Virgos into battle with their Cobols. If you disable the Cobol, the Virgo becomes a forlorn gun platform. They’ll send Patriots too, so beef up your defenses on your planets. Get some decent torp ships and fight the Pats. Attack them with Cubes, in a big push in. He’ll throw Virgos at you. Keep sending Cubes, because you need him gone. Go right for the throat, his HW. If he’s smart, he’ll have several huge planets with tons of colonists. Get them second. The Colonies are everyone’s worst nightmare. Help the Cluster get rid of them.

9.) Summary and Information

I cannot stress enough to read up on your enemy. Look at and read his tactics. Play his race. Know thy enemy.

Read some basic books on warfare strategy. They will help you immensely. They have for me.

Use your minefields.

Know the Order of Operations and Actions.

Make friends and TRADE. You need decent ships, and you could wipe someone out with a few cubes. Don’t beg, but don’t be a idiot either.

Get a cloaker and clone it. Very helpful. Never use them until they are DEEP in enemy lines. So when you attack, you use them too, to screw up his home economy.

Get yourself down into a pattern with Chunnel Points. Streamline your whole operation. The Borg are efficient, and you need to be to manage the number of planets you’ll get. Run Simulations constantly. Experiment.

And some info:

As for this Guide, feel free to read it, and pass it on. Don’t change anything, and don’t let anyone make you pay for it. It’s free.

I have written two other guides, one on the Crystal, and one (the only Guide for the race, that I know of) for the Bots. I’ll send them to you if you can’t find them. I am working with a friend on an Imperial one, but college calls, so it’ll have to wait.

I started the Federation League Of Admirals, a little group of Fed players, who talk about many interesting things. You might learn a thing or two. The Head Admiral is Donovan , and he’ll explain it to you.

I trust you enjoyed the Guide, and please let me know what you thought. I welcome any questions, comments or complaints. I am more than willing to assist new players.

My e-mail address is on the bottom. If you cannot reach me, my friend Derek will know where I am. He’ll tell you.

Good luck in playing, and may we meet on the field of battle. And may I lose to the tactics I have taught you.

Autarch, League Of Admirals [email protected] “For the enlightenment of the young, and the wisdom of the old.”

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