Well, there was a slight 'dropping problem'. Didn't help with points much. I had a bit going on for 12 or so years there..........
Btw, there never was an 'AA' for VGA. If games ever kicked up again (can't do the Nu thing), I would probably have to ask to be limited to 2 games at a time......
@cardno Yeah I struggled to stay in a couple of games too - I was working in those days. I also had the same bad habit of signing up for more games than I could handle but I'd have a quiet day and ][avok would announce a new game and I'd think "I can handle one more"...
@cardno Yeah I struggled to stay in a couple of games too - I was working in those days. I also had the same bad habit of signing up for more games than I could handle but I'd have a quiet day and ][avok would announce a new game and I'd think "I can handle one more"...
Gil you were the only person I recall letting join 6 games simultaneously.
Oh yes. Too many games would bite you in the end when there are many planets and ships that would need to be checked and moved. This game really teach you how to not over commit and to space them out.
@havok I think that might have been when I learned that playing the same race in two simultaneous games was not a great idea...
@gilgamesh Usually because the turn was waiting on one player when all other turns were in for about 2 days...
@gilgamesh Usually because the turn was waiting on one player when all other turns were in for about 2 days...
There's always "that one guy..."
Kinda reminds me of having to turn the daily destruction games from 7 days a week to weekdays only because people were upset that they didn't have a day off. 😭
I remember that. The question is really whether it was them or their 'significant other' who was doing the complaining..... 😆
@cardno I started playing planets with a group at work. My wife Kelly and a few of the other wives decided they were forming their own group - SOAP. Significant Others Against Planets....
A virulent challenge to the VGA Universe indeed.....
@cardno That was 30 years ago - now she thinks the mental challenge of all the tactical decisions will slow down the onset of senility. It may be a bit late for that - I'm starting to resemble my avatar...
W0W!!! Your Mrs has been assimilated into Planets!!!! That's got to be harder than the job the Borg had to do on Picard!
And re the Avatar similarity..... yeah updated photos from the remnant crew could be scary....... 🙂
And re the Avatar similarity..... yeah updated photos from the remnant crew could be scary....... 🙂
Speaking of which Cardno, you should stop being faceless and add your avatar.