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This should bring back some memories.

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I just pulled this from the archives. Here's a screen capture of the final Games Index from the original site. So many games... I had complete forgotten about the Daily Destruction games.


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Those were the days, my friend...



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Blitzkrieg! was absolutely brutal, 109 turns, sometimes multiple in a day. It started over a holiday that I had taken two weeks off for. Had a blast, wife wasn't to happy with me though. She got over it, we're still married.

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I found my old game setup folder with all the games I generated for CM. I mostly did the PHost games while ][avok did the THost games.
I just wish I saved the game discriptions with the master files, cause I can not remember what each one was for. There are a few interresting game names.

Brass Tacks were the equivalent of No Frills games just for PHost.
Unnatural was where you build your own race.
Silent Night must have been were you could not see. So either scores or scan range would have been limited.

Some other series of games that I cannot remember the set up was Armada, EchoFlare, Federation Wars.

And some single set up games that I also cannot remember all the details like 3xRush, Bazaar, Experience Count, Unlimited Brass, PMonster.

I think Federation Wars must have been torpedo races only. And Rebel Go Round and Borg Go Round would have been games where all the players play with either Rebels or Borgs.

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Yes some of those were scenarios made by Matt Clouser.


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Posted by: @havok

Yes some of those were scenarios made by Matt Clouser.


Matt Clouser!  I was trying to remember his name a couple of days ago.  He and I briefly talked about collaborating on a new Klingon race guide just as CM went offline.  Has anyone heard from him?



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Posted by: @gilgamesh

Posted by: @havok

Yes some of those were scenarios made by Matt Clouser.


Matt Clouser!  I was trying to remember his name a couple of days ago.  He and I briefly talked about collaborating on a new Klingon race guide just as CM went offline.  Has anyone heard from him?


I used to see a post from him every now and then on Facebook but it's been a while.



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